Woman with tarot cards.
Learn How to Do a Tarot Reading
Thank you for a beautiful array of Tarot cards. If I didn't already own more than my share of decks, I would gladly purchase another or two. I collect the decks, use every one of them at different times for different reasons. I wish with all my heart that I could find the right words to say to all these folks that think the tarot is evil or will open you to a realm of evil. There is evil in every soul, it can only come to the surface if you and you alone will allow it. I am pagan, I believe that there is the God, the Father, Jesus, the Son of God and of man and Savior of mankind, and the Goddess, the Mother, the spouse of God, the Mother of Jesus. This does not make me evil. I am secure and happy in a different reality than those that are condemning the Farmer Almanac for trying to service all of its consumers. I for one would not think to garden without my Almanac.
I don't know why these people are making a fuss about this topic. This has ALWAYS BEEN in the Farmer's Almanac. We have ALWAYS planted by the moon. This is, AGAIN, not just for one certain type of person. It just isn't. Please stop trying to make everything about your religion. If you're feeling that guilty about it, maybe you should practice said religion. Idk. Read the Bible and go to worship services. Try prayers and meditation. Believe me, we are not trying to convert you. I certainly don't want to spend eternity with hateful people. The time we have here on this planet is enough.
Wow! This definitely isn't the Farmers Almanac that my Dad read back in the 70's. I wanted to share the Farmers Almanac with my wife and son's for planting, like my dad shared with me as a child. I'll be leaving now and I'll definitely warn ppl on social media about tarot cards and farmers Almanac. Below is Bible Scripture that tells us why we're not to play with this garbage.
Exodus 22:18: "You shall not tolerate a sorceress"
Leviticus 19:26: "You shall not practice divination or soothsaying"
Leviticus 20:27: "A man or a woman who has a ghost or a familiar spirit shall be put to death"
Deuteronomy 18:10-14: "Let no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells"
Numbers 23:23: "There is no divination against Jacob, no evil omens against Israel
I have reluctantly decided to unsubscribe to the Almanac because of its association with things that are spiritually dangerous and should not be dabbled in.
Same here. Tarot and any form of divination opens up the evil spiritual realm. I am alpalled at this post and will stop subscribing to, buying from or recommending the Almanac.
Astral is a religion associated with Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, an ancient race of people, and is strictly forbidden according by JEHOVAH GOD from practice. Have nothing to do with any part of it.
Tarot cards as well as ouija boards are open portals for demonic infiltration. Ask an exorcist and they will give you countless examples. Stop messing around with this stuff. Its not all fun and games and the bible forbids it. I am shocked that almanac.com has posted this.
My soul and belief and my conversations with God as well as my appreciation of other people's choices of religion say that perhaps you are afraid to play Parcheesi or checkers and chess as well instead of an ouija boards. Tarot is a fun game like solitaire, poker, go fish, cut throat pinochle, hearts and other card games. Your mind is the problem. You don't trust yourself and most likely not grounded in your belief in God's creation. How sad. Carry on. Please share where the Bible forbids this game. And that is all tarot is - a game. You don't bet on horses or casinos either then. wow.
I agree with this response. Divination and related activities are to be avoided.
Love this! Thank you for breaking down Tarot into something a beginner like myself can work with. I realize there is much more to know but this is a great start.