How to Keep More Money in Your Pocket

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How to keep more money in your pocket? Here are ten money-saving ideas from The Old Farmer's Almanac.

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. –Henry David Thoreau (1817–62)

  • Have a spa day at home. Here are two facials that smooth wrinkles:
  1. Whip the white of an egg until it's stiff and rub it over your face and neck. Allow it to dry. Then rinse away with warm water.
  2. Mix cornstarch and evaporated milk together to make a quick paste. Apply it to your face and allow it to dry. Then rinse away with cold water.
  • To wipe up spills, use rags made from old clothing instead of using paper towels. Wash the rags as needed.
  • Fill a plastic bag with dryer lint and use as a padding for a package.
  • Periodically remove and dust the light bulbs in your home. They will be up to 40 percent more efficient.
  • Unravel an outgrown wool sweater (or one purchased at a thift shop) and use the yarn to make something else—mittens, a scarf, or another sweater.
  • Remove the covers (or fronts) of old greeting cards, cut them into fanciful shapes, and use them as gift tags.
  • Get carpentry tips and home construction ideas by serving on a Habitat for Humanity or similar home-building crew.
  • Go to schools where students provide services with teachers' supervision: Get haircuts at beauty schools, dental work at dental schools, and meals at cooking schools.
  • Acquire basic foreign language skills by helping a foreign student learn English.
  • Volunteer at theaters and cultural organizations to save on ticket and membership fees.

How do you pinch pennies? Share your tips below!

About The Author

Earl Proulx

When Earl Proulx died in March 2002 at age 88, he’d written Yankee Magazine's “Plain Talk” advice column for 22 years. Read More from Earl Proulx

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