Insects, Spiders, and Other "Creepy-Crawly" Bugs That Forecast Weather
Apparently our ants are very modern. Instead of building bigger anthills, they have just decided to move in with us as this winter will be quite rainy.
To add to “ The more quickly crickets chirp, the warmer the temperature”:
Count the number of chirps in 15 seconds, and add 40: that's roughly the temperature in Fahrenheit. Dolbear's Law.
Pay attention to how an ant builds it's nest. If they build it with one side higher than the other, rain will come from the direction that it's the highest, if they build the walls high all the way around, expect a storm. I have watched ants build their nest, and I have found this to be true.
If the center of a persimmon seed is in shape of a fork the hay rakes will work into the winter(mild)if a knife gonna b very cold if a spoon will b lots of snow
If the wind blows outta the north during the ember days of September expect a cold winter
My old folklore
When the wind comes from the east..fish bite the least.
When the wind comes from the south..it blows the bait into the fishes mouth.
When the wind comes from the west..fish bite the best.
When the wind comes from the north..fishermen shouldn’t go forth.
"...flies gather in houses just before rain."
Yes, they do. If they can get inside ahead of rain, they will find a way in. And they did just that yesterday, ahead of today's rain predicted (by meteorologist and National Weather Service) rain - lots of rain. That is a good thing to remember, and also, check to see that none of your screens need repairs!! If you don't, the flies will drive you nuts.
A ring around the moon means rain is coming soon.
Also, for partial moon phases, if the moon were a bowl on an angle that liquid would pour out of it means rain is coming the following day.
"When hornets build their nests near the ground, expect a cold and early winter." This comment is incorrect. When hornets build near the ground it will be a mild winter. When they build high it means a hard, snowy winter. I have seen this happen many years in areas that aren't sprayed consistently. In some of our snowiest winters I have seen very large nests built very high in trees.
My granny always said when the backs of the leaves on the trees begin to show, it's a sure-fire sign of rain.