Tips for Cleaning, Home, and Health
This sounds gross but it works. I'm extremely allergic to poison ivy. This was my grandfather's cure. When blisters appear pour rubbing alcohol over the area. Then with a table knife, scrape open the blisters. douse again with alcohol and rub table salt into open blisters. The process burns like blazes but the itch is gone and by next day its 'dried up and no spreading.
I'm also highly sensitive to poison ivy. I've found that Technu is very effective, and won't damage skin cells like rubbing alcohol will. It also won't hurt like heck!
If you have an infected wound, pour salt on it and wrap with a wet cloth. As it dries, the salt will draw out the infection. Yes, it will sting for a few minutes, but usually the infection will be gone the next day.
To get cat or dog urine out of hardwood floors or basically anything that can be moistened. Moisten the floor with water, sprinkle table salt over the floor and let it sit overnight. You will see where the salt has drawn the urine and smell out of the floor. It took two applications for the floor, but after 2 days there was no odor. The things salt won't fix, are all the stains. I spent about $4.00 on the salt.
Throwing salt on a fire in a greasy fry pan will put out the fire.
To get grease and grime, cooking oil, etc off your hands. BEFORE you wet your hands, Pour a teaspoon or 2 of salt in the palm of your hand, add enough Dawn or other liquid soap to make a paste in your hand, mix and rub in well, then wash as normal. Not only does this remove grease it will exfoliate rough, dry skin off your hands too, leaving them smooth. I keep a small bottle filled with salt in my bathroom just for this purpose.
Cut a Lemon in half across diameter. Dip cut end in salt and rub on wooden cutting boards and wooden utensils to remove food debris, odors and stains before rinsing item with water and drying. Can also be used on grimy cookie sheets to remove debris before regular washing. Cut off used salty end of lemon, cut that into smaller pieces and dispose of in running garbage disposer. Place rest of lemon in plastic baggie or small container and freeze to use "next" time. (waste not want not, Old Fashioned Yankee Principle)
I read this a very long time ago. Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt in a cup of warm water, mix well, eye drop into your nose and drain into your throat, to help prevent contracting a virus. Works on stuffed noses too! But use a small restaurant salt pack instead because salt absorbs odors and things. It truly works.
If you have animals and get fleas in your home, sprinkle table salt all over your carpet and furniture, let sit for 24 hours, vacuum up and then fleas should be gone and helps clean the carpet at the same time.
To keep unwanted ants/bugs out of your house - dump on box of Borax and one canister of table salt into a large zip bag. Mix together well, then pour a nice, thick line of this mixture along the base of your house. Renew about mid season. Works wonders!