Growing Calendula: How to Grow Pot Marigold

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Robin Sweetser

Calendula offers so many benefits to the gardener

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Calendula does it all! This cheerful yellow and orange flower is beloved by pollinators and a great cutting flower; the more you harvest, the more she flowers—well into fall. Plus, calendula is edible, providing both food and healing medicine. Learn more about one of my favorite flowers, including growing tips.

Benefits of Calendula

Included in a mixed bouquet, calendula (Calendula officinalis) flowers—also called “pot marigold—are sure to gladden the hearty of the recipient.  Irresistible waves of bright yellow and orange daisy-like flowers greet me on my morning rounds, lifting my mood even on the worst of days.

  • Calendula blossoms can be used in cooking—eaten fresh in salads, added to rice, or dried and used as a poor man’s saffron, calendula petals make an ordinary meal seem special. See our recipe for Mixed Greens With Calendula.


  • Calendula has been used medicinally for centuries. Ancient Romans grew them to treat scorpion stings! In the Middle Ages calendula was a common remedy for everything from smallpox to indigestion. Today’s herbalists use it to make a healing salve for sunburn, chapped lips, minor burns, cuts, and scrapes. See more about calendula’s healing properties.
  • Calendula is a wonderful companion plant in the garden.  Bees and native pollinators are drawn to these flowers, making them a useful addition to your vegetable garden. Plus, calendula repels many pests!

Enjoy seeing calendula in the garden!

Types of Calendula

The calendula family includes about 20 species of bushy annuals and a few perennials that are native from the Canary Islands through the Mediterranean area to Iran. They were found growing wild in the Holy Land by crusaders who brought them back to Europe. Legend has it that St. Hildegard of Bingen gave the plant the name “Mary’s gold” in honor of the Virgin Mary. To this day calendulas are sometimes called “pot marigolds” though they are unrelated to regular garden marigolds (Tagetes).


Calendula Varieties

  • ‘Pacific Beauty’ is my favorite but at one time we grew 8 different kinds. There are lots of interesting varieties.
  • For something unusual try ‘Porcupine’ which has spiky, bright orange, quilled petals,
  • ‘Touch of Red’ has dark red underneath and on the edges of each petal.
  • ‘Triangle Flashback’ has a soft, apricot-pink color.

How to Grow Calendula

Calendula is easy to grow from seeds directly sown in the garden.

  • Plant seeds early spring onward or start them indoors and set out the sturdy seedlings. They can be started indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date for extra early blooms.
  • Choose a sunny site. The more sun, the better.
  • Soil needs to be moderate-rich and drain well. Calendula will tolerate poor conditions but perform better when it has nourishing soil. Once established, calendula do not need any extra fertilizing or feeding.
  • Calendula grow nicely in the vegetable garden. Good companions are: Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peas, Carrots, Asparagus, Spring salad vegetables.
  • The flowers bloom best in cooler weather with low humidity.
  • Cut them back and they will reward you with new growth and more flowers when the weather cools off. These plants are pretty tough and can take some frost. They will keep right on blooming until a harden freeze finally kills them.
  • Allow some plants to produce mature seeds to scatter where you want to see calendula seedlings in subsequent seasons.


Calendula Salve

If you would like to try making a simple calendula salve, here’s an easy recipe:

  • Steep one cup of fresh calendula petals in one cup of olive oil in a glass jar on a sunny windowsill for about a week.
  • Strain the oil.
  • Melt 1/4 cup of beeswax and mix in the oil.
  • Pour into small sterilized jars and seal.
  • Let solidify overnight before using.
  • For the fullest effect, harvest the petals during the hottest part of the day, when the resins have risen to the surface of the flower.

A word of caution: People with allergies should test the salve on a small spot on the inside of the forearm and monitor it carefully for any adverse reactions.

This is one plant that is good for the garden and for the gardener alike. Make room for some comforting calendula.

Even the tiny tree frogs love it!


Want to grow more edible flowers in your garden. Here’s a list of more flowers that you can eat!

About The Author

Robin Sweetser

Robin has been a contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the All-Seasons Garden Guide for many years. Read More from Robin Sweetser

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