Find Your State's Cooperative Extension Service!
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Does Maine have a place to contact? Not seeing any information.
I’m not sure how we overlooked Vacationland, Jennifer! Thank you for pointing it out, the page has been updated.
I realize that they are technically not states but these territories do have land-grant universities with cooperative extensions and should be added to this list:
Guam - Univ. of Guam: https://www.uog.edu/extension/index.php
District of Columbia - Univ. of DC: https://www.udc.edu/causes/land-grant/center-for-urban-agriculture-gardening-education/
Puerto Rico - Univ. of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez: https://www.uprm.edu/sea/
US. Virgin Islands - Univ. of Virgin Islands: https://www.uvi.edu/community/cooperative-extension-service/
American Samoa - American Samoa Community College: https://www.amsamoa.edu/institution/cnr.html
Micronesia - College of Micronesia: http://www.comfsm.fm/?q=vpcre
Great idea, Ashlea! We have updated the article at your suggestion.
Awesome! I shared this link to my LinkedIn feed today. Thank you for having this comprehensive list available to your readership.
One note: I suggest moving the District of Columbia up above under the states section, as it is a Federal District that operates like a state with home rule and is typically grouped with other states when listed. The others you have listed under U.S. Territories are logically grouped together.
Thank you for your help, we really appreciate your insight!
Wisconsin just goes to the main UW system page
Not all Extension programs are cooperative extensions. For Texas, https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ is listed as the only extension program in Texas. However, Prairie View A&M's Cooperative Extension Program is the cooperative extension for the state: https://www.pvamu.edu/cafnr/extension/. Can you update your website?
Thank you
CT link doesn't work.