
Bird Sounds: Ruby-throated Hummingbird

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird Calls

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Listen to the sounds of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. What may sound like a bee buzzing by is actually the hum of a tiny bird beating its wings about 53 times a second!

(Bird sound compliments of The Macaulay Library at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.)

The Ruby-throated hummingbird migrates every spring the North America, traveling amazing distances from their winter homes in Central America and Mexico. They may travel as far north as eastern Canada. Wondering when the hummingbirds will arrive in your area? See this cool map on hummingbird migration.

These jewel-colored birds prefer to feed on red or orange flowers (though it’s not necessary to color the sugar water you put in a hummingbird feeder). See how to attract the ruby-throated hummingbird.

Have you heard a Ruby-throated Hummingbird? Add your comments below. Be sure to let us know where you live or where you’ve heard this bird sound before!

Click here to listen to the sounds of other birds!

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

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