I don't think it was called Memenorial Day until 1971 when the Uniform holidays act made it the president day holiday. It waa always called Decoration Day. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Why was it May 30th instead of May 31st, the last day of May? One look at the calendar for 1868 and you might just get your answer. In 1868 General John Logan proclaimed May 30th as Decoration Day, but didn't say what day it fell on, which was Saturday. That would mean that May 31st would be Sunday, and things like that weren't done on Sundays. Even newspapers of the day didn't print on Sundays.
So you want to change Memorial Day to May 30th? Senator Dan Inoyauyue of Hawaii wanted to do just that when he was alive. Rest in peace Senator Inoyauyue, that just ain't gonna happen.
I don't think it was called Memenorial Day until 1971 when the Uniform holidays act made it the president day holiday. It waa always called Decoration Day. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Why was it May 30th instead of May 31st, the last day of May? One look at the calendar for 1868 and you might just get your answer. In 1868 General John Logan proclaimed May 30th as Decoration Day, but didn't say what day it fell on, which was Saturday. That would mean that May 31st would be Sunday, and things like that weren't done on Sundays. Even newspapers of the day didn't print on Sundays.
So you want to change Memorial Day to May 30th? Senator Dan Inoyauyue of Hawaii wanted to do just that when he was alive. Rest in peace Senator Inoyauyue, that just ain't gonna happen.