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Yes. This makes sense because I've always thought that living in the UK we're robbed of a full summer starting at summer solctice June 21st.
First of all we suffer long winters until vernal spiring equinox meaning it takes three more months until June 21st where the weather still isn't that great. And after June 21st it goes downhill again towards winter by getting darker every day but they call it the beginning of summer even tho the days start getting shorter but the weather gets warmer during July and August. ( The only two months I like)
But by September I already start to worry about the end of summer and the approaching dreaded winter which I really suffer. It's a bit of a paradox.
I like to read in the garden when the nights are long but I know many people feel sad that June 21st is the beginning of the end not the start of summer. Basically we get more crap weather than good weather in the UK.

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