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dan mitchell (not verified)

7 years 4 months ago

This is a theory I have about the moon....
I have always been interested in the fact that the same side of the moon always faces us. The reason for this is unknown at this time (or at least unproven). It could be coincidental that the moon rotates perfectly, so that we only see the same side all of the time. I don't think that is very likely. I have questioned this observation before and the explanation provided at the time was that it was due to tidal pull. That's possible, but I personally think it could be due to the fact that the moon's gravity is uneven. Satellites have documented that the gravitational pull on the moon is uneven which could result in what we are seeing now. And that being so, it would be like a beach ball with a weight taped to one side of it having the heavier side roll on a hard surface so that the heaviest side would be facing downward. This could be the reason that the part of the moon's surface that has a higher mass always faces towards the earth. I came up with this idea many years ago and it could be a valid answer to the problem. What do others think? Are there other moons or planets that rotate showing the same side like our moon? I'm not aware of any, but it might help solve the question if there were.

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