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Seborrheic dermatitis can be indeed be worse in wintertime as well as under beards. Did you happen to change your soap? Be sure to use a mild soap and completely wash off and use a moisturizer.
Do avoid ANY product that contains alcohol.
In terms of a home remedy, it can help to apply mineral oil or olive oil to your skin and leave in for an hour or so. Do this regularly.
Ask your pharmacy for a mild corticosteroid cream. If that doesn't work, try the antifungal cream ketoconazole.
Wear cotton clothing that has a smooth texture so it's less irritating to your chest. Try not to scratch. If it's really itchy, try applying hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion just for relief.
As you may know, there are other reasons for seborrheic dermatitis that could be more serious so, if you haven't already done so, please consult a doctor. We hope you find relief!

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