More facts - these turkeys that are so beautiful and amazing are also brutally treated in factories. Their bodies are mutilated, they have been bred to be so big they cannot stand on their own legs, and they are unable to mate as a result. They live in horrific conditions I wouldn't want my worst enemy to live in. If you eat turkey, and then say you are love them, you are a hypocrite. Learn about their fate first. Learn about what you are eating. Stop ignoring the big picture,!
More facts - these turkeys that are so beautiful and amazing are also brutally treated in factories. Their bodies are mutilated, they have been bred to be so big they cannot stand on their own legs, and they are unable to mate as a result. They live in horrific conditions I wouldn't want my worst enemy to live in. If you eat turkey, and then say you are love them, you are a hypocrite. Learn about their fate first. Learn about what you are eating. Stop ignoring the big picture,!