I’ve recently developed a self acuired addiction to accruing knowkedge. As nerdy as that sounds, I find myself researching a plethora of different subjects in my free time just to try to gain a glimpse of all the secrets this world holds.
In today’s world, bias and subjectivity taints almost everything you read and hear. Society has become me vs you and simple facts are distorted based on the author or presenters perception. I never take anything at face value and if I’m at all able to I try to figure out the science and raw principles behind why/how something works. I admire the Almanac in its use of data to determine an outcome.
My only question is why would you not make this “formula” available to more people? Of course I see how when readily available, people could abuse and tarnish the reputation of the Almanac by making incorrect predictions, but their is also some disadvantage to the almanac by not having a more broadened analytical base. Two heads are better that one kind of thing. Just a thought, I’ve notived that sometimes my private studies have led me to hit roadblocks that state I need to pay or that I don’t have access to due to secrecy. I hate that about this world. Knowledge is power, but it should be available to all those who seek it. Thanks for your time, and I respect your team’s accuracy and dedication!
I’ve recently developed a self acuired addiction to accruing knowkedge. As nerdy as that sounds, I find myself researching a plethora of different subjects in my free time just to try to gain a glimpse of all the secrets this world holds.
In today’s world, bias and subjectivity taints almost everything you read and hear. Society has become me vs you and simple facts are distorted based on the author or presenters perception. I never take anything at face value and if I’m at all able to I try to figure out the science and raw principles behind why/how something works. I admire the Almanac in its use of data to determine an outcome.
My only question is why would you not make this “formula” available to more people? Of course I see how when readily available, people could abuse and tarnish the reputation of the Almanac by making incorrect predictions, but their is also some disadvantage to the almanac by not having a more broadened analytical base. Two heads are better that one kind of thing. Just a thought, I’ve notived that sometimes my private studies have led me to hit roadblocks that state I need to pay or that I don’t have access to due to secrecy. I hate that about this world. Knowledge is power, but it should be available to all those who seek it. Thanks for your time, and I respect your team’s accuracy and dedication!