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Sally Arsenault (not verified)

6 years 3 months ago

I have an '09 Forrester and I have a problem with mice getting into the car. Have tried Bounce sheets and moth balls, they used the sheets in their nest right next to he bag of moth balls. I put bags of "Mouse Magic " down and they just ate into the bags. I now have 3 battery run sonic boxes that seemed to work for a time (yes, the batteries are good) but now that cold weather is here they are back in my car. I have put snap traps in the car and the snap traps work but I would rather deter them than trap them. Any ideas? I don't mind sharing my space but when driving down the road and one jumps up into the passenger seat it is disconcerting and I worry about the damage they can do. Also can't find where they are getting in.

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