Here is an old-time cure from Pennsylvania Dutch Powwow (Braucherei) that I consistently use with success:
A self-Powwowing charm to heal oneself from a headache:
One sits in a chair facing East, with the Bible on one's lap, and one's right hand upon it. One then repeats the following charm 3x.
"Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies ist ein grosse Dinge
In dies grosses geheilige land
Unser shoene Frau Maria.
+ + +"
This water and this fire,
This water and this fire,
This water and this fire,
This is a big thing,
In this big holy land
Our pretty lady, Maria.
+ + +
Upon coming to "Our pretty lady Maria" - Wring/rub your hands almost like you are wringing out a towel to get rid of the pain and throw it away.
This charm should be done as described, two more times, with 15 min intervals between treatments (for a total of the charm being repeated 9 times over 3 treatments).
15 min intervals because biblically, 5 is a number of freedom, and 3 is the number of the Trinity; thus, 5x3 or freedom declared in the Name of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) =15.
+ + + is the sign of the Three Holy Names (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost) of which we end nearly all of our charms in. There is no need to say Amen afterword.
Some state the charm should be done in the dialect, but I have had much success with the translation, so feel free to use either the dialect or English at your discretion.
Here is an old-time cure from Pennsylvania Dutch Powwow (Braucherei) that I consistently use with success:
A self-Powwowing charm to heal oneself from a headache:
One sits in a chair facing East, with the Bible on one's lap, and one's right hand upon it. One then repeats the following charm 3x.
"Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies Wasser und dies Feuer
Dies ist ein grosse Dinge
In dies grosses geheilige land
Unser shoene Frau Maria.
+ + +"
This water and this fire,
This water and this fire,
This water and this fire,
This is a big thing,
In this big holy land
Our pretty lady, Maria.
+ + +
Upon coming to "Our pretty lady Maria" - Wring/rub your hands almost like you are wringing out a towel to get rid of the pain and throw it away.
This charm should be done as described, two more times, with 15 min intervals between treatments (for a total of the charm being repeated 9 times over 3 treatments).
15 min intervals because biblically, 5 is a number of freedom, and 3 is the number of the Trinity; thus, 5x3 or freedom declared in the Name of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) =15.
+ + + is the sign of the Three Holy Names (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost) of which we end nearly all of our charms in. There is no need to say Amen afterword.
Some state the charm should be done in the dialect, but I have had much success with the translation, so feel free to use either the dialect or English at your discretion.
+ + +
Jason David