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Cyndi (not verified)

9 years 1 month ago


For the last 2 seasons (it's currently in the middle of summer in Perth, Australia) I've been planting various veggies and herbs around my garden. As this is the first time doing anything like this half the plants have some soil conditioning where the other half just have a little compost under the hole I dug for the specific plant.

What is the best way to improve the soil around the established plants? I know my seasonal plants will die in a month or 2 (if our current heat wave doesn't do the job sooner) but a lot of my herbs are long lasting and they are not doing very well. They're all dry (not because of lack of watering!) and unhappy.

Can I dig around my plants to add aged manure and encourage worms/bugs etc or should I just leave it until they die and start again?

Thanks for your time and assistance.


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