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ROBIN (not verified)

8 months ago

This might blow some away, but it WORKS!! My son who is now 45 would get poison ivy every year as a child and I mean every year. It would spread so quickly on him. Between lotions, DR, visits. etc. I was totally exhausted. One evening I had stopped with a friend at a farmer's house to pick up a tool he needed. As I sat in the kitchen with the farmer's wife, chatting about different things, poison ivy being one. She mentioned to me that all I needed to do was get some dandelion leaves and put them in water, bring them to a boil for about 5-10 minutes, let simmer and put in a jar. the water would be a pale green in color after boiling. Needless to say, I was desperate. I did exactly what she had said, and when the poison came back, I got a mason jar out, (with this MIRACLE remedy) dabbed a cotton ball in the solution and it worked not only did it stop the rash from itching, but it also cleared it up in a few days if I recall right. I have shared this with so many through the years and have never once heard it didn't work. I continued to have it on hand, and it was a blessing to have around the house, especially in the summer.

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