I can tell you FIRSR HAND! That clear nail polish works as good if not better than anything and I mean ANYTHING out there on the market for itch, spread and wiping out the effected area (s) as silly as it sounds the best I can figure is it starves it for oxygen smothering the virus. It’s usually gone in about a couple days.
1 apply to rash, I’ll
2 add more polish if it starts to itch later
3 don’t scratch just add more polish
4 watch it go away in a few days
You will see a change in about a day or two
I can tell you FIRSR HAND! That clear nail polish works as good if not better than anything and I mean ANYTHING out there on the market for itch, spread and wiping out the effected area (s) as silly as it sounds the best I can figure is it starves it for oxygen smothering the virus. It’s usually gone in about a couple days.
1 apply to rash, I’ll
2 add more polish if it starts to itch later
3 don’t scratch just add more polish
4 watch it go away in a few days
You will see a change in about a day or two