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STEPHEN O ALMY (not verified)

10 years 1 month ago

I have a beautiful flowering bush by my swimming pool. It is covered with orange "trumpets" all summer. I don't know the name of this plant, we just call it a trumpet vine. People ask me for something to grow this plant at their home. I collected some seed from the now dried pods and put them in small glasses with water. Now they have begun to sprout. My question is, now what? Do I transplant them in potting soil in plastic pots? Do I keep them indoors all winter? My wife says that since new ones have sprouted in the spring, obviously from seeds spread from the original big plant, should I put the pots outdoors in the winter? I live at 2300 feet up in the Sierras, and it very rarely gets below freezing here, but does sometimes go down as low as 28 degrees. Should I water them if they are indoors? Should I put them in sunlight or is normal indoor light in the winter okay?

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