I’m just guessing, but I think the fact that 1984 was a leap year might be causing your miscalculation. As noted on the Month Key chart, Leap Year changes January’s 1 to a 0.
Which leads us to:
January 8, 1984
last two digits: 84
add one quarter of those digits: 84/4=21 84+21=105
add day and month key: 105+0+8=113
divide sum by 7: 113/7=16 (remainder 1)
And the remainder of 1 tells us that January 8, 1984 was in fact a Sunday.
Hi Kristopher,
I’m just guessing, but I think the fact that 1984 was a leap year might be causing your miscalculation. As noted on the Month Key chart, Leap Year changes January’s 1 to a 0.
Which leads us to:
January 8, 1984
last two digits: 84
add one quarter of those digits: 84/4=21 84+21=105
add day and month key: 105+0+8=113
divide sum by 7: 113/7=16 (remainder 1)
And the remainder of 1 tells us that January 8, 1984 was in fact a Sunday.
Hope that makes sense!