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Chuey (not verified)

6 years 7 months ago

While I only use organic fertilizers, and never use pesticides, I still think it's not a good practice to routinely pop fresh fruits into my mouth without washing them. We must keep in mind that we aren't just washing off whatever we might have sprayed on the plants. Animal waste could be dangerous (not to mention the "ick" factor), and could make someone very ill. Triple that for a small child. I'm thinking birds flying by (not sure what bird pee looks like, but very sure i wouldn't want to consume it!), but our suburban garden gets visits from neighborhood cats, as well as lots of wildlife including raccoons, skunks, oppossums, and possibly coyotes. In spite of our people-proof(ish) fences and gates, we also have had random dogs find their way in. Any of them could manage to deposit something undesirable onto that luscious cherry tomato i pop into my mouth. (ew.)

So, just a reminder to wash before eating, and to make a big enough deal out of the practice that it'll be second nature to children, as they are the most susceptible.

Other than that, this was a great, informative article!
Thanks for some great ideas blending edibles into "aestheticals."

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