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tom chase (not verified)

3 years ago

When I lived in Alton NH for 21 years, the place was loaded with the DOG Tick. Had many on me as well as my Beagle. No infections. On my land in VT there were never any ticks until 3 years ago. Then started to find some on me. Not too bad until this past year 2021. In a small fielded area about 1/8 acre between the end of May when I returned to the end of July I pulled 196 off me. Got bit a few times. The previous year being bit I noticed the rash and was treated t the WRJ VA. All was fine. Being bit about 12-15 times I experienced a severe itching and swollen areas anywhere on my body. I scratched vigorously and did draw blood. The VA said I didn't have Lyme via a blood test. Showed the VA Doc the blooded areas. The doc didn't know what caused the itching. Eventually they gave me an antihistamine pill to take once a day. That seem to eliminate the itching. But the other day, 2022 I ran out of those pills and the itching returned. Bought a similar off the shelf and is less effective, but works somewhat. Waiting for the VA prescriptions to arrive. Currently 1500 miles from VT for the winter.

I swear, for the tick numbers encountered, that an airplane flew over and dumped them. In a short time, so many.

I have read about the diseases ticks carry. They bite mice, chipmunks, and other rodents which are known to carry other types of bacteria. That's what I believe I have and I relate the itching being in the nerve system. If a place on one wrist itches, the exact place on the other wrist also will itch at the same time. My VA Doc and perhaps think ticks carry only the Lyme Disease. Baloney. This article mentions attacking the nervous system

My brother in northern VT was bit and he thought it was the flu. Ignored it, got bed ridden and couldn't walk. They carried him to the ST. J hospital. They figured it out and gave him the antibiotics and was cured. The docs there said he was within 2 days of dying.

A new strain has surfaced in Missouri, a guy was bit and died in a week. It serious. The Rocky Mountain Tick carries diseases from rodents there also, prairie dogs, mice, etc. They have had out breaks. The medical people should catch up, treat the problem. Blood tests are important for more than one type of bacteria.

I have done most of the mentioned solutions and hopeful clothing treatments. Each moment I have I look all over my clothing. YET, I'll find them even in bed crawling around. They are reclusive. I have downloaded a lot of info about ticks to see what I'm dealing with. People stay away knowing the / my tick problem.

All the best to all. Hope this helps somewhat.

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