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Syrealle (not verified)

3 years 6 months ago

So, I've got a decent bee colony thats been visiting my garden for gosh, maybe 8yrs now. I actually havent found the hive after all these years, so I'm not sure if they're an actual umm.. 'owned' hive or just a naturally occurring wild hive but I've always been curious and interested in beekeeping and helping bees in general. But, I dont want to hurt the established hive, and living rurally where I do in 'horse country' Colorado where theres not a massive amount of flowering plants whether it might do more harm than good to start keeping or even empty boxing my 6 acres.
So my question is really just a question of, general, should I or shouldnt I introduce or even empty box some of my acres? I mean, this hive, or what I assume is essentially the generations of the same hive have been pretty successful living off what I provide. I'd hate to introduce 'my hive" they drive off the others, and being completely novice mine fail and now, I dont have a wild hive or what I assume is, nor my own.

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