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karlaT1958 (not verified)

13 years 1 month ago

I found a great site but they are out of business! They have been around a long time and quit because of the price of plastic due to oil prices. I tried to order on Jan 29,2012. They sold diamond shaped, and faces like a Garden Elf and "PicklePuss" for cheap $10.95! Why can't someone easily make the heart and star molds in the USA. I checked the Japanese website and now they want $91 and $22 for shipping for 3 of the heart molds or 3 of the star molds. WAY too expensive! Can't Americans come up with a cheaper way? It's a shame that the USA has lost all ideas and motivation to manufacture OUR OWN versions! It shouldn't cost almost $40 for one mold... come on US engineers-- we know you can do it. I hope the Tweddell's from Vegiforms give it another try someday. I'll be waiting in line! It's just a shame the Japan and China can manufacture everything and the USA has lost that ability. What is the US turning into? We should be able to stand tall and make anything we want--NOT DEPEND ON OTHER COUNTRIES!

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