I wish I had the time on my hands to do such extensive research as many people have done regarding this issue. I choose to believe what the author wrote, since she is the expert and I am not. People are very worried about this and have spent countless hours at their computer doing research - is that healthy? Many people may be so worried they've lost sleep. Is that healthy? In my opinion, worrying about the "what ifs" can be just as detrimental to someone's health. There's risk everywhere, and often the most danger is closer than we think. I am not worried about the radiation from Japan - I have enough to worry about right here under my own roof.
I wish I had the time on my hands to do such extensive research as many people have done regarding this issue. I choose to believe what the author wrote, since she is the expert and I am not. People are very worried about this and have spent countless hours at their computer doing research - is that healthy? Many people may be so worried they've lost sleep. Is that healthy? In my opinion, worrying about the "what ifs" can be just as detrimental to someone's health. There's risk everywhere, and often the most danger is closer than we think. I am not worried about the radiation from Japan - I have enough to worry about right here under my own roof.