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jeltez42 (not verified)

13 years 11 months ago

Whilst I am not as cavalier as MS Browning Garriss, I am not running for the Potassium Iodide pills with my tin foil hat on either.

I have been a nuclear chemist and now I am an atmospheric chemist. The idodine 131 is not much of a problem for us here in the US. The half life is less than 8 days (less than the average time it would take for the particles to get here. Cesium 137 is problematic because it replaces potassium in your blood and can settle in your bones making them softer.

The concentration here is very low. It is above the background radiation but still is no worse than standing next to your local coal-fired power plant, which emits these radioactive particles and more EVERY DAY.

I would be worried if I lived within 100km from these reactors, but since several thousand miles separate us, I have the luxury of just observing and modeling where the particles go. That and I do not like sushi.

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