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My House (not verified)

13 years 11 months ago

I think you missed the point of my post.

Hiroshima was a terrible atrocity, no doubt, but, it doesn't have anything to do with my above post. Also, I lived in Japan for many years and still have many dear friends there that I worry about daily. My heart goes out the country for the destruction, lives lost, and the coming health crisis due to radiation exposure. It was a horrible act of nature.

Though, that does not erase the fact that the reactors are still leaking radioactive material into the atmosphere and that it has been found in the United States and Europe. I am placing blame on our government and media for not informing us as to what the realities and amounts of the radiation exposure are. I am by no means a nuclear physicist but I am however educated and have a lay knowledge of shelf life and effects of different types of radiation exposure.

As to your statements; We do know what the wind and weather patterns have been. We do know that radiation has been found in milk at 300% over what the USDA has deemed safe levels. We do know that the US radiation metering systems in several locations are not functioning properly and that Canada has turned their monitoring system off. We do know what types of radiation were released. I’ve done my homework.

I am absolutely posting due to concern for others who will not and have not gotten accurate information from the above article and main stream media, which was stated in the first two sentences of my previous post.

Concerned? ABSOLUTELY! How can I not be? We’re in this together? Of course we are! I will not just shrug my shoulders and hope that my daughters don’t come down with breast cancer in 10 or 20 years (iodine 131). I will be proactive in my life and my community to help those uninformed make educated decisions not ones based on misinformation.

I suggest you do some homework to find out what is really going on then come back with your arguments and we can have an educated debate.

P.S. I’m sure you’ve heard of food preservation ie canning, drying...

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