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Katrina, remember one thing: You can’t fool Mother Nature (or her critters). Try netting on your berries; a lot of people use that to deter the birds and squirrels and, for the record, bunnies. And set up a pinwheel or other moving object of that sort. Think aluminum pie plates on a string, glittery dangling Christmas ornaments—even large scarecrows. (Situations like this is why people have been using scarecrows for centuries.) Be aware, however, that you might need a few such objects that you set up and move around; the critters realize pretty quickly that these are inanimate and pose no threat. You might scatter red pepper around … but you don’t want that on the berries you eat. Another idea is to have a radio playing, especially tuned to a talk show; this has been known to deter some critters. All of these—and similar—ideas usually work … for a while. It’s a challenge we all face.

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