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JChez (not verified)

9 years 9 months ago

Need help! I decided to grow a lot this year. Too much I think , watermelon cateloupe pumpkins honeydew ect., lol! I bought a small strawberry plant ,got 5 strawberries that were amazing, so I decided to buy more. I got 2 more small ones and put them in big pots like the other one. I then was shopping and saw a hanging plant with over 60 flowers on it and had to buy it. I have a few questions.

1. The plant that already produced strawberries that were picked, some of the leaves are turning purple, what should I do with this plant, cut it down?

2. I live in New York, I read that over the winter plants should be covered or put in garage if in pots to protect them. They are all in pots what is the best thing to do?

Any help is greatly appreciated !!

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