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See the planting tips above; you want to avoid planting in fall in places that have winter. While spring is advised, under the circumstances, sooner is better than later. Any plant that is transplanted experiences some “stress” in the process. Think of it: this growing thing is interrupted, removed and reset and expected to get on with it, when in fact, the roots have to take hold and the plant has to stretch and get used to the sun/moisture/soil in this new spot. You seem to want to pick the fruit. Any why not if it’s ripe. Take it as a sign that the plant was “happy” where it was—in the pot, in that soil, and in whatever sun etc the grower kept it. Transplanting it will probably stop the fruit in its current stage for all the reasons cited. How about this: think longer term: Do you want a few berries now or a bigger harvest later?

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