Sorry, I don't have much of a green thumb as my grandmother did. She could start a plant off of about anything! We received a beautiful vase arrangement that contained beautiful speedwell. One of the blooms even has another shoot starting to grow off of it. What is the best way to start a new plant? Are the blooms the seeds? Can you grow root from these cuttings in the vase? Your help is greatly appreciated! I love this flower and would love to start in my own yard. Thank you!
Sorry, I don't have much of a green thumb as my grandmother did. She could start a plant off of about anything! We received a beautiful vase arrangement that contained beautiful speedwell. One of the blooms even has another shoot starting to grow off of it. What is the best way to start a new plant? Are the blooms the seeds? Can you grow root from these cuttings in the vase? Your help is greatly appreciated! I love this flower and would love to start in my own yard. Thank you!