As a young kid about 10, Orion was the first constellation that I identified. That opened the heavens for me. Then came knowing other constellations, Ursa Major (big dipper), Ursa Minor (Little dipper), North Star, Queen Cassiopeia (the W), Lepus the Hair (under Orion) differentiating the planets from the twinkling stars etc. Got so enthused I'd lay in snow banks with a small telescope just gazing for hours not being cold. Astronomy has since consumed me and still does at 84. Thought about grinding my own mirror for a scope, but never did. Springfield Vt has the amateur telescope club on Stellafane Mt and members come from all countries with their "home made" telescopes for judging. The Hartness House Inn in Springfield Vt has an observatory with underground tunnel to it from the Inn. Russel Porter started it all. The web page has the history and people involved. John Pierce was one of them and was my teacher in the 7th grade in Springfield. The web page:
I never was a member of the club, but have to their mountain to see all. Impressive.
As a young kid about 10, Orion was the first constellation that I identified. That opened the heavens for me. Then came knowing other constellations, Ursa Major (big dipper), Ursa Minor (Little dipper), North Star, Queen Cassiopeia (the W), Lepus the Hair (under Orion) differentiating the planets from the twinkling stars etc. Got so enthused I'd lay in snow banks with a small telescope just gazing for hours not being cold. Astronomy has since consumed me and still does at 84. Thought about grinding my own mirror for a scope, but never did. Springfield Vt has the amateur telescope club on Stellafane Mt and members come from all countries with their "home made" telescopes for judging. The Hartness House Inn in Springfield Vt has an observatory with underground tunnel to it from the Inn. Russel Porter started it all. The web page has the history and people involved. John Pierce was one of them and was my teacher in the 7th grade in Springfield. The web page:
I never was a member of the club, but have to their mountain to see all. Impressive.