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KAY (not verified)

1 year 3 months ago

Most articles concerning El Nina vs El Nino vs Neutral years are typically confusing as written. In a nutshell, El Niño contributes to more eastern and central Pacific hurricanes and fewer Atlantic hurricanes while, conversely, La Niña contributes to fewer eastern and central Pacific hurricanes and more Atlantic hurricanes. In the transition from a normal year to El Niño the trade winds weaken and even reverse allowing the warm water in the west to flow eastward towards the Central and Eastern Pacific bringing the convective storms with it. Areas of the Eastern Pacific tend to get more rain while those if the Western Pacific receive less. La Niña refers to the periodic cooling of sea-surface temperatures across the east-central equatorial Pacific. El Niño conditions lead to wetter, snowier conditions. La Niña conditions lead to drier and warmer temperatures overall, with notable extreme cold spells. In stronger "super" El Niño or La Niña episodes, these trends are even greater.

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