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Leah (not verified)

1 year 5 months ago

I didn't find the article hard to follow: El Nino typically brings warmer/less severe winter to New England, but the Super El Nino of '97/'98 was special. That winter brought the worst ice storm northern New England had ever seen. We were without power for a week, and some even went without for well over a week as crews worked to restore it around downed trees, poles and anything else that couldn't take that kind of icy weight.

The winter of '08/'09 also included a horrendous ice storm with people without power for over a week. The storm knocked out my cable, but not my power, so my siblings came for hot food and showers while we watched old VHSs.

Long stories short: if you're in New England, get your supplies ready for more ice storms and don't act surprised when they happen. We've done it before, and we can get through it again πŸ’ͺ

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