In Patty's 1st picture above, there are 2 pint jars of the rosemary vinegar- 1 with fresh rosemary and 1 with dried rosemary. So the rosemary vinegar can be made with either fresh or dried rosemary. However, neither the recipe, nor the video, includes the amount of fresh rosemary, only dried. For this recipe, I intend to use the 3-1 ratio (fresh to dry) recommended by some in the comment section. This is also the ratio I normally use for any herb in any recipe. Hope it works for you.
In Patty's 1st picture above, there are 2 pint jars of the rosemary vinegar- 1 with fresh rosemary and 1 with dried rosemary. So the rosemary vinegar can be made with either fresh or dried rosemary. However, neither the recipe, nor the video, includes the amount of fresh rosemary, only dried. For this recipe, I intend to use the 3-1 ratio (fresh to dry) recommended by some in the comment section. This is also the ratio I normally use for any herb in any recipe. Hope it works for you.