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Hi Catherine,

You can transplant your arborvitae in the spring. Of course, depending on its size and age, transplanting at any time of the year might be tricky. When transplanting in the spring, you will want to wait until the threat of frost has passed and the soil in workable.

Prior to transplant day there are a few steps you will want to take. The day before transplanting, you should water your plant to make sure it is well hydrated before the shock of moving and also dig the transplant hole and fill it with water. When decide to transplant, you should do so under overcast skies or during cooler evening hours. Just before digging your arborvitae from its current location, water it again. Once your arborvitae is in place, make sure you water while filling the hole with dirt and water again after it is fully planted.

Check the plant daily for the first couple of weeks as transplants may require watering every day—if not more. Make sure to check the soil for dryness a few inches below the surface to determine if more water is needed.

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