In your area, you can certainly grow and keep your amaryllis outdoors year round. If you plan to leave it in the garden, you will want to give it some added protection for colder temperatures by adding a couple inches of mulch in the fall. If you want to bring it indoors for the winter, you will want to wait until the foliage dies back naturally toward the end of the growing season and then dig it up in fall before any threat of frost and plant in a container and bring indoors (see instructions and care tips above for container planting).
Hi Lynn,
In your area, you can certainly grow and keep your amaryllis outdoors year round. If you plan to leave it in the garden, you will want to give it some added protection for colder temperatures by adding a couple inches of mulch in the fall. If you want to bring it indoors for the winter, you will want to wait until the foliage dies back naturally toward the end of the growing season and then dig it up in fall before any threat of frost and plant in a container and bring indoors (see instructions and care tips above for container planting).
Hope this helps!