Linda: You are quibbling over semantics. A significant number of Indigenous children died while attending residential schools, with some schools experiencing rates as high as 1 death per 20 students. An exact number of school-related deaths remains unknown due to incomplete records from negligence. It is unclear how the children died at the schools, which were buffeted by disease outbreaks a century ago, and where children faced sexual, physical and emotional abuse and violence.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report estimates the number of unmarked graves to be 3,200. However, other sources state this is a conservative estimate, and the actual number could be much higher.
A tragedy indeed!
Linda: You are quibbling over semantics. A significant number of Indigenous children died while attending residential schools, with some schools experiencing rates as high as 1 death per 20 students. An exact number of school-related deaths remains unknown due to incomplete records from negligence. It is unclear how the children died at the schools, which were buffeted by disease outbreaks a century ago, and where children faced sexual, physical and emotional abuse and violence.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report estimates the number of unmarked graves to be 3,200. However, other sources state this is a conservative estimate, and the actual number could be much higher.
A tragedy indeed!