Having cow's, goat's, chickens, horse's etc. is a wonderful thing....IF you have become educated on care and maintaining your flock and herd(s). Be prepared by investigating the local, state laws on containment. Country life doesn't necessarily mean, "Free Range Everything" . You'll be responsible for protection of your critters from predatory wild life. You'll also be responsible for your dog's. Dog's who chase down deer, or distant neighbor's herds/flocks will get you a visit from DEP, with a ticket and hefty fine issued.
Have a Veterinarian already lined up. One who makes, "house call's". Be prepared for the bill afterward.
Be prepared for 24/7/365 life. There are no day's off from animal farming. If you go away, be prepared to pay a 24/7 Caretaker.
Having cow's, goat's, chickens, horse's etc. is a wonderful thing....IF you have become educated on care and maintaining your flock and herd(s). Be prepared by investigating the local, state laws on containment. Country life doesn't necessarily mean, "Free Range Everything" . You'll be responsible for protection of your critters from predatory wild life. You'll also be responsible for your dog's. Dog's who chase down deer, or distant neighbor's herds/flocks will get you a visit from DEP, with a ticket and hefty fine issued.
Have a Veterinarian already lined up. One who makes, "house call's". Be prepared for the bill afterward.
Be prepared for 24/7/365 life. There are no day's off from animal farming. If you go away, be prepared to pay a 24/7 Caretaker.