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S Wood (not verified)

6 years 8 months ago

I love my family farm out in the woods at the end of a dead end dirt road. It is quiet, very quiet (except for the fore mentioned occasional target practicing and construction). Internet is an issue out here; any day now, for the last ten years the internet is coming - and there is no cell phone service at all. That said, country life builds character (or people move back to the city). While listing pests - deer destroy flower and vegetable gardens. If it isn't fenced in it's gone as soon as the buds and leaves sprout. Plant trees and bushes deer do not like. And fence it in anyway. Bears are not afraid of humans and some are not always polite. They break into cars and houses - always a surprise!!! Cover your berries with netting. In one night I lost my Marshmallow flowers, and over half of my Asiatic Lillies - before they bloomed - the buds must be delicious. Today there is a huge tall fence around the remaining flowers. The grapes have an electric fence around them, which does take away from the country charm. Deer and raccoons love grapes and leaves. This all happens in our gardens quite close to the house, the chicken coop and field, the saw mill, and the sugar house. They are stealthy. Get a dog and cats to control some of the damage. And it helps if you like venison.

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