My grandfather was from the same town...Trento. Sadly that area was hit very hard with COVID. He came to America when his parents died of the flu and he wound up in Ohio working as a coal miner. He met my American born grandmother and she taught him how to read and write English. The family moved to. NY during the depression. My mom made this often, but as a kid I didn’t like them. Now, as a grandmother myself, I appreciate and enjoy these wonderful recipes and family heritage.
My grandfather was from the same town...Trento. Sadly that area was hit very hard with COVID. He came to America when his parents died of the flu and he wound up in Ohio working as a coal miner. He met my American born grandmother and she taught him how to read and write English. The family moved to. NY during the depression. My mom made this often, but as a kid I didn’t like them. Now, as a grandmother myself, I appreciate and enjoy these wonderful recipes and family heritage.