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Chronic Lyme warrior (not verified)

4 years 2 months ago

Yuck. Fermented foods taste disgusting and burn my gut! Personally, I'd rather take a probiotic and prebiotic supplement that works really well. Really wish it were more helpful in recommending oral supplements for those of us who either can't or don't want to eat yogurt, or nasty, gut-burning fermented foods. This article sort of assumes that everyone's healthy. I have a very severe case of chronic Lyme disease, for which I'm taking antibiotics two or three times a day for. You can't eat yogurt or dairy while taking many oral antibiotics because it fully negates the absorption of the antibiotic drug to help your body to kill off the ever-evolving Borrelia spyrokete bacteria (that's invading your heart, nervous system, and brain)...Most people have no idea how intensely sick that you get from this illness. From outward appearances, the average Lyme patient looks completely healthy, but nothing could be further from the truth. It gets so bad that there are times when you literally want to just to "leave your body behind", to be free of the immense, unending pain. Most long-term chronic suffering Lyme patients can totally relate to that statement. It's like a small club that nobody in their right mind wants to belong to. It's a super scary soul-sucking disease that few people know much about, and one that the idiotic CDC downplays and dismisses to doctors and the American public. I'm only taking oral antibiotics because I absolutely have to - to finally defeat this disease after 5 long years...The drugs are finally working after a year and a half of non-stop pulse therapy. If you've ever had chronic Lyme and have been this horribly and horrendously sick, you'd know that correct combinations and choices of the right antibiotics can be one of the few things that can possibly finally get you into remission after years of illness. For most long-term Lyme patients, probiotics become a way of life for you, and aid you in the hope to gain wellness again.

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