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Bill Marrs (not verified)

7 years 5 months ago

Your plants Need 8 Macro-Nutrients and 12-19 Micro-Nutrients (Trace Minerals). The Macro-Ns are - from the air - Carbon (from CO2) and Oxygen (for the roots); The Macro-Ns from the Soil are Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulphur. Important Micro-Ns are Iron, Manganese, NH3 compounds (Ammonia+), Sodium, Silicon, Zinc, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum. The ONLY Fertilizers I use are Organic Bone Meal (for Calcium and Phosphorous), 1 year old horse manure, and 2 year old poultry manure. Potting, Planting, and Growing Soil is Always - 35% Silica Sand, 30-50% Humus (from COLD Compost), and 15 to 35% Screened Clay (no rocks) - for the Abundant Trace minerals. Soil pH is Maintained at 6.0 to 6.5 using Only Ferrous Sulfate (which works over 6-12 months). Remember: Hot Composting Produces Fine Mulch - and NO Humus. Bill - Master Gardener - 25 years.

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