RE: Relieving the Itch -- "Hah ... The Tecnu Product Never Worked for Me" ! It is a little bit on the pricey side and, in my opinion ... "A Waste of Good Money" ! Instead, ASAP ... resort to grease removing dish washing liquid ... way less expensive. Cleanse first with dishwashing liquid in cool water and rinsing and cleansing (Twice) and then cleansing and rinsing in (Warm) water. Works every single time ! I have been told that farmers used this method by an old veterinarian of mine (Ellen Friedman who once had a practice in NJ). Oh, wash your clothes and your tools with it this way as well.
RE: Relieving the Itch -- "Hah ... The Tecnu Product Never Worked for Me" ! It is a little bit on the pricey side and, in my opinion ... "A Waste of Good Money" ! Instead, ASAP ... resort to grease removing dish washing liquid ... way less expensive. Cleanse first with dishwashing liquid in cool water and rinsing and cleansing (Twice) and then cleansing and rinsing in (Warm) water. Works every single time ! I have been told that farmers used this method by an old veterinarian of mine (Ellen Friedman who once had a practice in NJ). Oh, wash your clothes and your tools with it this way as well.