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Rhonda Huggins (not verified)

1 year 10 months ago

My Dad grew a beard in the mid 70's. He was a huge fan of Waylon Jennings and the new 'outlaw' County music genre. Honestly, he had such a long thin face, his beard suited him well. However, our Grandmother, his mother was absolutely appalled at his facial hair! She was rather soft spoken so her response was to not look at him, even if he was sitting within a few feet. I remember distinctly, her sitting in our living room across from Dad, but looking only towards Mom in the kitchen. I never knew why she disliked his beard so very much. I do remember VERY few men with beards even though I grew up in rural Arkansas. My one and only brother has had a full beard for most of the last 25 years. A recent accident caused him to have to shave it off, but without it a defining beard...he has no chin. DNA strikes again!!

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