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John M Brear (not verified)

3 years 7 months ago

What a wonderfully informative article - many thanks!
A colleague of mine never ceases to remind me how much of his life he saves by not shaving on a daily basis.
As an engineer, I have to remain clean-shaven in case circumstances require me to wear a respirator or breathing apparatus. Yet at refineries in the Middle-East no such restrictions are imposed, since most of our Muslim friends are bearded. However, I was once roundly told off on such a site for wearing my neck-tie - albeit beneath two layers of coveralls.
I understand that three words have found their way into English from Basque: 'anchovy', which readers here will all know; 'Jingo' - as in 'by Jingo' - a reference to the Basque Deity; and 'bizarre' - meaning 'bearded' - thus differentiating the clean-shaven Basques from their elegantly hirsute Spanish neighbours.
Isn't it great that we are all different!

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