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Reba (not verified)

5 years 5 months ago

My Mom's recipe is very simular. We use all purpose flour but add 1/2 to 1 tsp soda to 3 or 4 cups of flour. Don't use to much or you will definitely taste it. We use bacon drippings instead of butter, oil or lard. I've used each of these and the best flavor comes with the bacon drippings. As for stirring Mom's was a big NO! Mom would fuss at anyone who went near her stock pot. She would bring her broth to a rolling boil, roll out about a quarter of the dough about an 1/8 inch thick keeping the dough well floured. Cut into strips. She fan folded strips in her hand and then laid the strips across the boiling broth being careful not to put strips on top of strips. Once she had the top of the broth covered she used a spoon to gently push the strips under the broth. Repeat until all strips were in the broth. Turn down heat to medium low, cover and let cook for at least 5 minutes. Never put in more strips than the broth can cover. My poor sister-in-law has tried for years and still can't make them, LOL! My brothers come home so I can make dumplings for them!

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