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Sabel (not verified)

4 years ago

I found Colcannon 20 years ago while researching old recipes for Medieval feasts. I doubt that it is Medieval but it certainly is traditional. Sorry, I don't do kale but I have never found a way to cook cabbage that I haven't liked.
For Colcannon, I fix the mashed potatoes like usual, then I slice the cabbage finely or chop it into small pieces, but not minced, and I saute it in lots of butter with sliced scallions and garlic, salt and pepper. Fold it into the potatoes, top with more butter and it's done. Sometimes, I might add sliced mushrooms, just because my DH loves them.
But really?! 1 1/4 cups of milk?! That sounds more like porridge than Colcannon. And sorry but green potatoes? Yuck...Let's stick to Green Eggs and Ham...

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