Aphids are pesky green bugs that can wreak havoc on your garden.
Preventing Aphid Infestations in Your Garden
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I raise monarchs butterflies that need milkweed for their larva. The yellow aphids cover the milkweed so badly that the stems look like tiny ears of corn! I smash them with my hands but would love to know a way to discourage or kill them that will not hurt my butterflies. Please help!
This is tricky, as you should not use any substances that could harm other soft-bodied insect, like the caterpillars. Normally we could recommend using a sprayer or hose to spray down the plants and blast some of the aphids off, but in this case, you may inadvertently get rid of eggs or caterpillars, too. Perhaps you can do this before the monarchs arrive?
Destroying the aphids by hand is likely the best way to ensure that butterfly eggs and caterpillars are not damaged in the crossfire. You could also look into purchasing ladybugs online and setting them loose in your garden. If there are plenty of aphids, the ladybugs should stick around, though there’s no guarantee they won’t venture elsewhere.
I recently read that crushed eggshells at the base of rose bushes will keep aphids away. Any truth in this?
No, this will not stop aphids. Aphids tend to spread from plant to plant either by flying or crawling from leaf to leaf. A ring of eggshells at the base of a plant is traditionally thought to keep slugs away, but this is also untrue—eggshells just aren’t sharp or gritty enough to damage slugs’ bodies.
To MELBA STREIFF, how much lime do you put in the quart of water ??
My husband, being a biodynamic ag consultant, uses calcium spray. A little lime or coral calcium in a quart of water, settle out and then use the clear water part to spray on. Works within seconds. Bugs leave, plant is healthier.
I had never had aphids before now on a Spirea ornamental plant. Very small and green. I tried blasting, picking, shaking and ultimately spraying with a neem oil spray. They just kept coming back doubled and tripled. I had just purchased this plant so I took it back to the store. My ? Is should I treat the soil somehow before planting a Barberry-Orange Rocket plant? Or is it okay to go ahead and plant? It’s also suppose to frost tonight which is crazy for my zone-SW Missouri.
I used water with white Vinegar and wipe down the leaves. Solve my problem
I use a mix of Peppermint Castille soap and water. The soap is oily and suffocates the aphids
Using a strip of sellotape you can quite easily catch these pests by touching them with the sticky side of the tape. Easy for the tops and underside of leafs. Has worked well on my indoor lemon tree. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to remove them.