How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Salvia Flowers
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I ordered may night salvia and didnt realize i was just getting the roots. will they grow quickly to have flowers producing this season? do you just plant the root in the ground?
We raise rabbits/sheep and chickens on out homestead and the rabbits absolutely love sage as a treat, not a repellent at all
My purple salvia has been neglected for 10 years. The stems are 1+inch thick and over 5’ tall leaning over 5’ from the base. Can I cut it back and start over?
You can consider cutting it back to the bottom of the plant, just above ground level. Plants will regrow fresh leaves and the next round of blooms.
How do I get my Salvia to stand up straight. They were straight up last week and this week they are falling to the sides.
There are a number of reasons that salvias will flop over. When salvia plants get too much water, are over-fertilized, or do not get enough sun it can cause blooms to fall to the ground.
As the summer progresses, humid conditions can also cause this issue. It can also happen after flowering or if blooms become too heavy.
You can consider cutting it back to the bottom of the plant, just above ground level. Plants will regrow a fresh set of leaves and the next round of blooms.
I just planted small salvia plants. How much do they grow in one season? How long until maturity?
It all depends on variety, as salvias will grow anywhere from 18 inches to 5 feet tall. Plants will reach maturity in the first season.
In spring when can we expect new growth to come up?
Hi Renee, It depends on the variety of salvia and the climate in which you live. For many folks, salvia emerges mid-May and cues the spring-into-summer transition!